Artist Statement
I make the things that make me happy.
My art and jewelry pursuits always begin with a question: ‘I wonder if I could make something out of that other thing?’
I am passionate about exploring color, materials, textures, and ways of combining things. A broken taillight in the street? That’s rocket fire for a pendant. Glass from the yard? Those are jewels of a different kind. Random feathers that keep landing on the porch? Well, those might have to wait.
I love silver, copper, brass, bronze, and steel. They are all wide-open roads for enamels, and rivets and folding and hammering and -- what is the next ‘and’? I love finding out what the next ‘and’ could be.
Paper, paint, glue and more – staying open to the possibilities. Seek possibilities is the mantra.
Be it large, or small – wearable, or for the mantel, I make the things that make me happy, I hope they bring you joy.
I am the Vice President of the Women's Jewelry Association, Boston Chapter. For more than 30 years, the Women’s Jewelry Association has been a source of support, education, and camaraderie for women working in jewelry-related industries. It also welcomes men who want network and volunteer with influential industry friends. Across the U.S. and overseas, industry members flock to its meetings, use its networks, and gain valuable education and funds to advance in their careers.
Community Servings is Boston-based charity that feeds critically ill and homebound people medically tailored meals. Beginning in 1990 by feeding those dealing with HIV & AIDs. They've grown from feeding 30 hot meals a night, to feeding 1700 individuals every day. in the In addition to serving on an advisory board, I have worked on their annual Pie in they Sky campaign for 15 years, and the work they do is unmatched.
The MSPCA Nevins Farm is a haven for animals - most of them adoptable. My current cat overlord was adopted from there and they do the Lord's work of loving and caring for animals of every kind.
I make every effort to manage my studio in the safest, most up-to-date and eco-gentle way. The fine silver used in some items is reclaimed from manufacturing processes. The sterling silver is certified Nickel-free. Any gold or other material is responsibly sourced from respected trade suppliers. All material scraps are saved, recycled, reclaimed or disposed of properly. I avoid destructive chemicals wherever possible. Any stones are carefully sourced from traceable, fair-trade, responsible sources, and there are many lab grown options.
Everything in my shop is designed & handmade by me in my studio just north of Boston, Massachusetts. You may see tumbled stones picked up off the beach, or other items from, or inspired by, the beauty of my home state.
Member: Women's Jewelry Association, Society of North American Goldsmiths, The Enamelist Society, The Enamel Guild Northeast, The Metalsmith Society.
Juried Exhibitions:
Outside the Lines, Monique Rancourt Gallery (2021)
Lexington Arts & Crafts Society, Reflection, Reawakening, Resilience (2021)
Society of Arts & Crafts Boston, Pins & Needles (2022)
The Enamelist Society, Alchemy6 (2022)